Keep It Going NYC identity
Keep It Going NYC identity with apple symbolic of education, New York City, and the energy of school reforms.
Keep it Going NYC Logo Concepts

Alternate logo concepts speak to progressive motion, collective action and volunteerism.

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Keep it Going NYC Identity

Keep it Going NYC was an initiative put forth by The New York City Fund for Public Schools to promote parental involvement and create support and awareness for public school reforms. The identity features a spinning apple icon that is symbolic both of education and the city itself. Additionally its upward motion speaks to the positive inertia of school reforms.

Beyond their compelling illustration, print, and web design abilities, Gavula Design provides deep strategic insight into the communications challenges we face. They've always gone the extra mile to get a 360° understanding of the issues we face, effectively developing design and communications architecture solutions that address our organization’s goals. Year after year, we continue to work with Gavula Design on our most critical and complex programs.